Oil Spill Recovery Vessel (OSRV): vessels that support oil spill response activities with monitoring, detection, containment, recovery and storage equipment for the recovered oil.
ROV Support Vessel (RSV): vessels that support operations with Remote Operating Vehicles (ROVs) Embarcações de suporte a operações com veículos de operação remota (ROV – Remotely Operated Vehicle) with capacity for operation in water depths of up to 4,000 m.
Anchor Handling and Tug Supply (AHTS): high powered vessels that act as tug, handling anchors and transporting supplies.
Research Vessel (RV): vessels equipped with systems for surveying oceanographic, geophysical, geochemical and geotechnical data.
Shallow Dive Support Vessel (SDSV): vessels that support shallow diving activities for inspection and maintenance of submarine systems up to the depth of 50 meters.
Multi Purpose Support Vessel (MPSV): vessels designed to perform services that range from logistical support, anchor movement, data collection and emergency response, to support for construction and maintenance projects for underwater installations.
Platform Supply Vessel (PSV): vessels specialized in supporting maritime drilling and production units provide logistical support.
Line Handler (LH): vessels that support during oil loading and off-loading from production and storage units (FPSO and FSO) to Shuttle Tanks, oil monobuoys.
Fast Support Vessel (FSV): vessels specialized in the rapid transport of offshore professionals and supplies to and from offshore drilling and production units.
Boom Handler (BH): vessels that support OSRVs in handling adequate boom formations.